Wednesday 27 November 2013

Objects and Obstacles- Mario

New Super Mario Bros.


In Mario there are hazards that if touched kill/ harm the player, they are not controlled by an A.I. and do not try to harm the player, they only act as obstacles to try and increase the difficulty of the game, they can move but are not triggered by the players movements and do not try and follow the player, some examples of Mario's hazards are:




Spike balls

spike ball on a chain


Power-ups in Mario are used to improve the character and gain extra abilities, Mario will be able to jump higher, throw fireballs, use a boomerang and even  fly.


Fire flower

Boomerang flower

Tanooki leaf

Blue shell suit


Blocks in Mario are used to collect coins, power-ups and allows the player to gain access to higher platforms.

Coin block

Mystery block

Used block


In Mario pipes are used to get to another part of the level, this includes bonus stages and secret levels, but a pipe can also house one of the types of enemy, a piranha plant.

Pipe in use


The flag in Mario symbolises the end of the level, the player can reach the top of the flag by building up speed and jumping, gaining them an extra life.



Coins can be collected in Mario for the sole purpose of collecting 100 in order to gain an extra life, but there is also 2 other types of coins, the red coin which, when activated by a red ring, will be able to be collected, once all 8 are collected before the time limit, the player will be rewarded by gaining a power up or a life up. There is also star coins which work as a general currency for buying houses that give you power ups and more lives, there are 3 in each level.


Red coin

Star coin


FPS games use a certain style of architecture to relate to the time period it was set, so a modern shooter would use an Art Deco style, but this would also effect the guns are used in the game, for example, a Barrett 50. cal sniper rifle would not fit in if the player was surrounded by medieval buildings. This would ruin the immersiveness  of the game, ruining the players experience of the game.

The player will also have to think about cover, this would mean using part of a building for cover, this would mean using part of a building for cover, in an Art Deco style, in the modern world, the player can use the brick walls as cover but in an old west setting, the walls would be made from wood, therefore making them less effective.

The architecture would also change the way projectiles sound when they hit the walls, and how they will react once they've hit the walls, this is because of the materials used for that wall, a brick wall will stop a bullet, were as a wooden wall won't.

Tuesday 26 November 2013

Architectural structures

There are many architectural styles in video games, this is to do with the terrain of the game and also the time period of when the game was set. These styles can make a game seem more realistic as the buildings will relate to the game making it more imersive.

Art Deco

The first is art deco, this is a modern style of buildings used in today's date, an example of this is the empire state building.

This style has been used a lot in games, games that are set with this architectural style are usually set in the present, the near future or in the past after world war 1.

The art deco style is an eclectic style, this style uses ornamentation, rich colours and geometric shapes.

This type of architecture is used in games like: 



Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3


Medieval architecture is an architectural style that uses a simple brick pattern as the walls, this is because it was created to be effective for defense.

For example this is Bodiam Castle, you can see in this picture it was built to last, it has strong thick walls that can withstand attacks and small holes to see out of.

This type of building is usually used in medieval type games, but also in fantasy style games.

This type of architecture is used in games like:

Chivalry: medieval warfare

Total War: medieval

Two worlds II

Wild West

Wild west architecture is an old style of buildings that are made for use in a desert/ plains area, there for they are made out of wood and objects found in such a place.

This is a saloon based in "The Wild West". it has the wooden style with a title on the front.

As the country were these buildings were originally built, they are wide, spacious and have a large door and windows

Most of these buildings are also built together, side by side for efficiency.

This type of architecture is used in games like:

Red Dead Redemption


Gun. Smoke.

Greek/ Roman

The architecture of the Greek's and the Roman's are mostly made from stone, they involved decorations, pillars and statues.

These buildings were made to last, they have incredible detail, this also makes it a long task to create on a game using these types of buildings as they are complicated and need lots of polygons to create

This type of architecture is used in games like:

Spartan Total Warrior:

Rome: Total War 2

God of War: Ascension


This style of architecture was introduced late medieval period, they are mainly distinguished by pointed arch's, flying buttresses and ribbed vaults,

As you can see these are large stone buildings with a lot of detail,

Assassins creed


Dark Souls

Friday 15 November 2013


Terrain is a location within a game where it is based or where the characters are currently, this can range from a forest to a vast city. 

Terrain can alter what enemies you encounter in a game as well; if the game is currently based in a volcanic area the enemies will be related to it for example fire enemies will be common. As the game progresses the terrain may change depending on a story for example the game Mario goes from a plane grassy environment to a water environment, forest environment to a volcano environment. 

Two very different terrains for 2D games are:

The alien environment from 2D side scrolling shooter Capsized

To the cities of the top game 2D game Pokémon Yellow.

And two very different terrains from 3D games are:

The moon from Moon Base Alpha

and the grassy land from Super Mario 3D Land