Wednesday 27 November 2013


FPS games use a certain style of architecture to relate to the time period it was set, so a modern shooter would use an Art Deco style, but this would also effect the guns are used in the game, for example, a Barrett 50. cal sniper rifle would not fit in if the player was surrounded by medieval buildings. This would ruin the immersiveness  of the game, ruining the players experience of the game.

The player will also have to think about cover, this would mean using part of a building for cover, this would mean using part of a building for cover, in an Art Deco style, in the modern world, the player can use the brick walls as cover but in an old west setting, the walls would be made from wood, therefore making them less effective.

The architecture would also change the way projectiles sound when they hit the walls, and how they will react once they've hit the walls, this is because of the materials used for that wall, a brick wall will stop a bullet, were as a wooden wall won't.

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