Wednesday 27 November 2013

Objects and Obstacles- Mario

New Super Mario Bros.


In Mario there are hazards that if touched kill/ harm the player, they are not controlled by an A.I. and do not try to harm the player, they only act as obstacles to try and increase the difficulty of the game, they can move but are not triggered by the players movements and do not try and follow the player, some examples of Mario's hazards are:




Spike balls

spike ball on a chain


Power-ups in Mario are used to improve the character and gain extra abilities, Mario will be able to jump higher, throw fireballs, use a boomerang and even  fly.


Fire flower

Boomerang flower

Tanooki leaf

Blue shell suit


Blocks in Mario are used to collect coins, power-ups and allows the player to gain access to higher platforms.

Coin block

Mystery block

Used block


In Mario pipes are used to get to another part of the level, this includes bonus stages and secret levels, but a pipe can also house one of the types of enemy, a piranha plant.

Pipe in use


The flag in Mario symbolises the end of the level, the player can reach the top of the flag by building up speed and jumping, gaining them an extra life.



Coins can be collected in Mario for the sole purpose of collecting 100 in order to gain an extra life, but there is also 2 other types of coins, the red coin which, when activated by a red ring, will be able to be collected, once all 8 are collected before the time limit, the player will be rewarded by gaining a power up or a life up. There is also star coins which work as a general currency for buying houses that give you power ups and more lives, there are 3 in each level.


Red coin

Star coin

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