Friday 13 December 2013

Game Setting


Location is very important to some games, this can because of the resources around the area, for example having a stone castle or a wooden fort would make no sense in a tundra, as there would be no trees to cut and no stone to shape. Location is important in a lot of games because of this for example, in the game Minecraft you can only get some items for some terrains, they won't be available anywhere else.

In games location can also change what enemies appear too, for example in Borderlands 2 the monsters called Bulleymongs. The white variants only appear where there is snow, except on special occasions of course

Time periods

Time periods in games are important as the weapons and structures in the game will have to relate to the time period. For example a game set in medieval times will have stone and wooden buildings and the characters will use swords, bows and axes etc.

This is important as the game needs to be consistent or it won't make sense, making it not enjoyable.

Type of environment

The type of environment in a game is important as this can change a lot of things in the game, how the player moves for example, if the player is underwater they will be able to move up an down giving them more freedom, this would also change the environment, there would be fish, and maybe coral and some caves. For example some of the levels of tomb raider underworld.

Another example of this is icy or muddy conditions, iciness would be slippy and muddy conditions would make it difficult to travel though the area.

Ethical Considerations

Games have to consider ethnicity and other taboo areas. These include slavery, drugs, crime, trafficking, racism etc. This aspect of games is important as some games try to avoid these points whenever possible to avoid controversy, but even some games can gain unexpected controversy, for example Pokemon, Pokemon had a racism lawsuit do to the colour of one of the Pokemon.

 Original Japanese Version

Over Seas Version

Other games have main aspects of that game based on one of these issues, for example GTA V has a large portion of the game based on crime and drugs.

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