Friday 27 December 2013

Other Game Mechanics

In a lot of games, especially RPG's, the game has an inventory where the player can store items they have gathered in the game and can compare them to other items they have, an example of this is Oblivion:

In the inventory the player can look at information about an item, whether it be how much they cost, how much damage they do, it's weight or how much of that item the player has. An inventory is useful as it allows the player to look though their collected items. In some games an inventory is a limited space where you can only collect a certain amount of one item, for example dead space

Other inventories are measured on the amount of weight a person can carry like you can see in oblivion, yet there is also another type, where the inventory is unlimited and as many items as possible can be stored in it, for example Final Fantasy XIII


A lot of games now have scores, this is because it shows the player how well they have done or how well they are doing, this gives players a sense of accomplishment and maybe a sense of challenge to beat their current high scores. Sore also allows competitive play so people can compare their scores to each other and to their friends. A recent game released with score is the PS4 game Resogun

Though score is not needed it ca be useful to have as it adds another element to the game which could make or break a game, imagine such games like Pac-man without a score, it would seem there is no point of it, people would probably start making their own type of scoring system to make it seem more enjoyable. But for other games like Pokemon score is not really necessary.

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