Monday 2 December 2013

Objects and Obstacles- Mario Kart



In Mario kart walls are put in place to prevent players from going off the map, it also allows them to bounce certain offensive objects off them to hit opponents, if angled correctly.

Wall in the background


Barrels are used in Mario kart to try and catch out players who are going fast, they may drop items that can also help a player if they are destroyed  but they can also drop a banana skin.



In Mario kart there are hazards which can knock you off the course, flatten you or stun you, which most likely outs you off course or looses your position as you are over taken.


Bullet bills



The power ups in Mario kart are mainly weapons to use against the players opponents to try and stun them or knock them off the course temporarily.

Red shell

Blue shell

Banana skin

Fire flower

Fire Flower in use

False item box

Item box

The item box in Mario kart is a box that is at certain points on the track, once the kart collides with he box the kart that hit it will gain a power up.

Item box

Speed boosts

Speed boosts in Mario kart are strips of the track that increase the karts speed whilst on the strips making them useful, this allows the player to achieve greater speeds. But once the kart leaves the strip it's speed reduces to normal.

Speed strip

Finish Line

In Mario kart the finish line is the part of the track where the race is finished. In a circuit race the karts must pass the finish line at least 3 times to progress to the next race. But in a sprint race the karts must reach the finish line at the end of a long race.

finish line

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